Month: April 2023

MSOT Faculty Lead the Way in Externally Funded Research

When students make the decision to pursue a career in occupational therapy, they may not have research at the top of their minds. However, research is essential to understanding best practices, and MSOT faculty are leading the way in research and scholarly activity at PNWU. Drs. Fritz and Cutchin are collectively primary investigators or co-investigators…Continue Reading MSOT Faculty Lead the Way in Externally Funded Research

Inside PNWU’s 2023 Research Symposium

On Monday, April 10, PNWU hosted the 2023 Research Symposium. Nearly 200 people attended the annual campus community event, which showcased 41 research projects reflecting the efforts and passions of students, faculty and staff from all of PNWU’s health sciences programs. “The Research Symposium is a great opportunity to see how PNWU is engaging in…Continue Reading Inside PNWU’s 2023 Research Symposium

Service to Our Community

Vision problems can negatively impact an individual’s ability to do what brings meaning to their life and can lead to depression, social isolation, and increased risk for falls. These problems, in turn, can make living in the community safely and independently a challenge and can result in significant financial burdens. In Yakima County, there are…Continue Reading Service to Our Community

Campus Competition Collects Over 2.3K Items for PNWU Food Pantry

As the Chair of PNWU’s Service and Social Engagement Committee, Cat McCulley recently connected with her colleagues to kickstart a good-natured competition aimed at making a longtime campus resource even more sustainable. Stocked by faculty and staff, PNWU’s food pantry has been in place since the university’s earliest days, providing shelf-stable food, toiletries, cleaning supplies,…Continue Reading Campus Competition Collects Over 2.3K Items for PNWU Food Pantry