Annual Fund


Simulation Center

Simulated Patients


At PNWU, we find ourselves focused on one constant question:

What makes a good doctor?

Is it compassion, experience, a world-class education, technological access, team support, or something else?

The truth is it takes a community effort to develop a great community doctor.

As we work to train the Pacific Northwest’s next generation of health care providers, we lean on PNWU’s annual fund. To power the Annual Fund, we lean on you.

PNWU’s annual fund provides our students with access to comprehensive anatomy lab, a state-of-the-art medical simulation lab, an ever-growing toolbox of medical technologies, a host of invaluable in-person interactions with simulated patients (SPs), cutting-edge telehealth training opportunities, and so much more.

Because of your gifts to the PNWU Annual Fund, our students are prepared to care for patients long before they ever take their first steps into a clinic and ensure that we are graduating the best doctors for our communities.

Make your gifts to the PNWU Annual fund today and help the heartbeat of our curriculum echo from our campus out into rural and underserved communities throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

Your support makes our mission possible and we truly cannot do it without you!