Providing Official Statistical Information to External Entities Policy

Responsible Unit: OIIE | Executive lead: Provost 
Created: 07/12/2017 | Reviewed/Revised: 12/15/2022 | Effective: 1/11/2023
Compliance: NWCCU 2.C.4
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution wide 

The Office of Integrated Institutional Effectiveness (OIIE) is the designated office to provide official statistical information about Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences (excluding information related to finance and financial aid requested by federal, state, and audit requests). All official responses to external entities for official statistical information will be based on the most currently available information/data set provided by the OIIE representatives. Third party requests for student contact information must be routed to and approved by the Registrar. Alumni contact/demographic data cannot be supplied to any external entity without the alumni’s prior consent.  

This policy applies to publications and requests for non-financial statistical information, including but not limited to reports, surveys, questionnaires, data sets, and student/alumni contact/demographic information required/received by PNWU personnel/units and responded to on behalf of the institution, college/school, program, or department/unit. 

PNWU official statistical information is student and/or employee demographic data and data that demonstrates University and/or program outcomes that is collected and compiled on a regular basis by the Office of Integrated Institutional Effectiveness. 

Data request form on the Office of Integrated Institutional Effectiveness (OIIE) MyPNWU page. 

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