Faculty Contracting for Instructional Delivery with Revenue-Sharing Programs Policy

Responsible Unit: Provost’s Office | Executive lead: Provost 
Created: 6/24/2019 | Reviewed/Revised: 1/5/2023 | Effective: 1/19/2023 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.F.1, 2.F.2
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

PNWU faculty members who participate in programs where PNWU has a revenue-sharing agreement shall not contract for instructional delivery of those specific programs directly with the revenue-sharing institution. Any compensation from the revenue-sharing institution for the services of PNWU faculty participating in the specific programs is paid to PNWU, not directly to the PNWU faculty member. Compensation received by PNWU from the revenue-sharing institution is distributed to the PNWU faculty member’s department/academic unit. Department/academic unit leads will work with faculty within their unit to coordinate workload and develop a fair and transparent process that utilizes these funds to support the academic mission of the unit. 

Any faculty member found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. 



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