Disclosure to Alleged Victims of Crimes of Violence or Non-Forcible Sex Offenses by Student(s)

Responsible Unit: Security | Executive lead: CIO
Created: 04/2013 | Reviewed/Revised: 11/2022 | Effective: 2/14/2023 
Compliance:  Clery Act; COCA 4.2; CAPTE 3E, 5C 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence, or a non-forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the University against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, PNWU will provide the results of the disciplinary hearing to the victim’s next of kin, if so requested. 

Following the hearing of an incident of alleged violence, the victim may submit a letter to the academic program dean/director requesting the outcome of the hearing. The dean/director or their designee will verbally inform the victim of the outcome. Should the victim be deceased, this information may be released to the victim’s next of kin. The next of kin must be listed in the student’s PNWU records and proper identification by the next of kin will be required. The outcome of such a hearing can also be released pursuant to a court order or subpoena. 



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