Competitive Bid Policy

Responsible Unit: Operations | Executive lead: CIO 
Created: 4/2012 | Reviewed/Revised: 4/21/2023 | Effective: 4/21/2023 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.E.3 
Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Institution-wide 

All purchasing will be conducted in a competitive manner to assure that the University receives the best overall value for resources expended. 

Competitive bids/requests for proposal (RFP) shall be required for all goods and services or construction and renovation over $100,000 unless expressly approved by the Board of Trustees (e.g. prior budget approval, emergency situations). Competitive bids shall also be required as dictated by a federal or state funding agency or other agency with granting or controlling authority.: 
PNWU will normally accept the lowest responsible bid for goods and services or construction and renovation. Consideration may be given to timing of PNWU need and existing vendor relationship in determining the award of the bid/RFP. It is the intent that all PNWU materials and services shall be purchased at a price no higher than others could obtain for like products or services of similar quality and in similar quantities.

Request for Proposal (RFP): An RFP is a formal process that outlines the required goods or services the University is seeking utilizing a defined structure to the procurement decision. The RFP is a tool for acquiring information, suggestions, and pricing from a vendor and is generally used when the user does not have exact specifications or plans finalized for a product, service, or project. An RFP provides an organized process to evaluate and compare the vendors and their responses to meet the need. Generally, the RFP process is used on larger and more complicated projects where greater flexibility is required to select a vendor. In their response, vendors can offer suggestions, ideas, or alternate proposals for consideration by the University. RFP’s are used to obtain the best overall value for the University through a process involving several possible sources and are generally used where greater flexibility is required to select the source. There usually, but not always, is a committee associated with an RFP related project to gain the added benefit from a broad spectrum of functional experts to ensure the solution chosen will meet the University’s requirements. 

Bidding Process: A method used by businesses to acquire competitive goods and services to accomplish their mission in a cost-effective manner.

Competitive Bids: Construction and Renovation Procedure
Competitive Bids: Goods and Services Procedure

Related Documents: 
Conflict of Interest Policy 
Property and Equipment Management Policy